
来源:GZBIO 日期:2013-06-09 09 【字体:
Title:  Development of protein MR imaging probes and drugs by protein engineering
题目: 通过蛋白质工程研发磁共振影像探针及新药
时间: 2013年07月3日(星期三)下午3:00
地址: 中山大学肿瘤防治中心23楼远程会议中心
Speaker: Prof. Zhi-Ren Liu, Ph.D.  Georgia State University
Host:  钱朝南教授 (Chao-Nan Qian)
    Dr. Zhi-Ren Liu received his Ph.D degree in biochemistry from Department of Chemistry at Florida State University in 1994. After finishing his doctorate, Dr. Liu joined the research group lead by Dr. C. W. J. Smith in Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, UK. His main research topic was to elucidate the molecular mechanism of the spliceosome assembly. In 1999, Dr. Liu joined the faculty in the department of animal science at Auburn University where his research group focused on studying the role of p68 RNA helicase in the pre-mRNA splicing process. He moved his research laboratory to the Department of Biology at Georgia State University, Atlanta, 2003 where he is a professor of Cancer Biology. At GSU, Dr. Liu’s laboratory is interested in understanding the molecular mechanism that governs cell developmental program, especially abnormal cell development and cell proliferation that associated with cancer progression and metastasis. His group uncovered a novel molecular factor, phosphorylated p68 RNA helicase, which promotes tumor invasion and metastasis. Other findings from his las include a discovery that pyruvate kinase M2 regulates gene transcription by acting as a protein kinase in the cell nucleus, and PKM2 in patient blood circulation facilitates tumor growth by promoting tumor angiogenesis. His research group is also interested in developing novel diagnostic and therapeutic protein agents by rational design, especially the protein agents that function as MRI contrast agents and target integrin for inhibiting angiogenesis.

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