
来源: 日期:2008-10-31 19 【字体:
庆祝84周年校庆系列活动之“药学前沿大讲堂” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 附件:xsjz-庆祝84周年校庆系列活动之“药学前沿大讲堂”(北校区生科院).doc 报告时间:2008年11月3日(星期一)上午9:30 报告地点:中山大学东校区药学院大楼讲学厅(125室) 讲座(一) Joe Beavo博士,美国科学院院士,美国药理学与实验治疗学学会主席,University of Washington at Seattle药理学系教授。 报告题目:Regulation and functions of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases: what does structure tell us about regulation and function. 报告摘要: In this talk I will first discuss the discovery and history of GAF domain-containing cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (PDEs). Emphasis will be placed on the PDE2 (cGMP-stimulated PDE) and PDE5 (cGMP-specific PDE) isozymes and how they are regulated by cyclic GMP binding to their respective GAF domains. Comparisons will be made of their structures and those of other GAF domain containing enzymes including the cAMP binding GAF domains of PDE10. In this regard I will discuss a new method of determining small molecule binding constants to GAF domains and other proteins. I will then discuss some of our more recent data on how cGMP can regulate these PDEs in a physiological context. Emphasis will be placed on the likely roles of PDE2 and PDE3 in controlling endothelial barrier function and the possible use of PDE2 inhibitors in treatment of sepsis. Finally, time permitting, I will discuss a possible new role for use of PDE5 inhibitors in the treatment of muscular dystrophy using mdx mice as a model system. 报告人简介:Joe Beavo教授在Vanderbilt University师从Drs. E. W. Sutherland & J. G. Hardman获得生理学博士学位,后在University of California, Davis生物化学系Dr. Edwin G. Krebs实验室从事博士后研究,1974-1977年在University of California, Davis生物化学系担任助理教授,1978年起在University of Washington at Seattle担任助理教授、副教授,1985年升为副教授。1996年Dr. Joe Beavo 成为美国科学院院士,2000-2005任美国药理学与实验治疗学学会顾问,2007年起任美国药理学与实验治疗学学会主席。 Beavo教授致力于研究cAMP和cGMP信号传导通路的调控机制,自1970年代以来,他在这一领域共发表了近200篇高水平的学术论文,其中他对在调节细胞内cAMP和cGMP水平发挥重要作用的磷酸二酯酶(cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (PDEs))的研究成果尤为引人关注。在目前已知的由人类基因组编码11个家族的PDE酶中,绝大多数由Beavo教授实验室首先发现,并通过结合酶学、细胞生物学、分子生物学、药理学、结构生物学等多种研究手段,进行各个PDE同工酶的组织及亚细胞分布、酶活性、蛋白质相互作用等研究,了解PDEs酶的结构、调控和生理功能的关系,尤其是它们在视觉和嗅觉信号传导、胞外分泌、突出可塑性、肺部血管功能、感染、胰岛素分泌、瘦素作用和类固醇生成等方面等的作用。近来他们对几种PDEs调节结构域晶体结构的研究成果更将帮助人们更深入地了解这些酶的功能。 讲座(二) Wladek Minor博士, 弗吉尼亚大学分子生理学和生物物理学系教授(Department of Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics, University of Virginia),国际顶尖的结构生物学家,结构与功能基因组学杂志编委,2007年度 Edlich-Henderson发明奖获得者。。 报告题目:Potein Crystallography with Speed and Finesse - Toward the Future of Structural Biology 报告人简介: Minor教授于1978年在波兰华沙大学获得物理学博士学位,1985年-1995年建在美国Purdue University先后任物理学系Research Associate,生物学系Research Scientist,1995年起任University of Virginia分子生理学和生物物理学系副教授,2002年起任教授。 Minor 教授致力于生物大分子结构生物学研究。作为结构生物学方法学研究领域顶尖的科学家,Minor教授为现代结构生物学和结构基因组学的发展做出了巨大的贡献。他的关于生物大分子X-射线衍射结构数据分析方法的论文Processing of X-ray diffraction data collected in oscillation mode自1997年在发表以来,已被引用超过17000次。他建立的生物大分子X-射线衍射结构数据分析方法是当前生物大分子结构分析的最强有力的工具之一。由Minor教授及其同事研发出来的HKL软件包被用于目前蛋白质数据库(Protein Data Base,PDB)中70%以上的蛋白质数据结构解析。因其对结构生物学研究方法学的突出贡献,Minor教授被授予2007年度 Edlich-Henderson发明奖。 讲座(三) 柯衡明教授:美国University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill生物化学与生物物理系教授,国际著名结构生物学家,中山大学结构生物学实验室客座教授 报告内容:Substrate specificity of phosphodiesterases and Structure-based discovery of drugs for treatment of human diseases 报告摘要:Pyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (PDEs) are key enzymes controlling cellular concentrations of the second messengers cAMP and cGMP (Bender and Beavo, 2006; Ke and Wang, 2007). Family selective PDE inhibitors have been widely studied as therapeutics for treatment of various human diseases. A well known example of this drug class is the PDE5 inhibitor sildenafil (Viagra) that has been used for treatment of male erectile dysfunction and pulmonary hypertension (Rotella et al., 2002; Galie et al., 2005). Human genome encodes 21 PDE genes that are grouped into 11 families and express over hundred of PDE isoforms via alternative mRNA splicing. Individual families of PDEs specifically recognize substrates cAMP and cGMP and possess their selective inhibitors. However, the basic issues of substrate specificity and inhibitor selectivity of the enzyme have not been extensively illustrated. This talk will focus on the structural implications on the substrate specificity and inhibitor selectivity of PDE families and structure-based design of selective inhibitors of PDE4 and PDE5 for treatment of human diseases such as erectile dysfunction and Alzheimer’s disease. The structures of PDE10 and PDE4 in complex with the substrates cAMP and cGMP suggest a mechanism, in which the substrates are recognized by different orientations and interactions (Wang et al., 2007). PDE5 shows multiple conformations of the H-loop upon binding of the inhibitors. The different conformations of vardenafil (Levitra) and sildenafil form the structural basis for their physiological behaviors. The structure-based design has led to a discovery of a novel type of PDE4 inhibitors that shows preliminary activities for acute lung injury and improvement of memory. Our efforts also lead to discovery of a novel class of PDE5 inhibitors, the best of which has 4-fold better affinity than sildenafil. 报告人简介:柯衡明教授是中大校友,曾担任中大助教、讲师等职务,1989年在哈佛大学获生物物理学博士学位,现任美国北卡罗莱纳大学医学院终身教授,并兼任美国结晶学协会、美国科学进步协会委员。柯教授在蛋白质晶体结构和基于结构的药物设计研究方面有很深的造诣,在Sciences和PNAS等杂志上发表学术论文和研究综述50余篇; 其对在体内发挥重要生理功能的环核苷酸磷酸二酯酶(PDE)晶体结构的研究更是取得了举世瞩目的成就,目前已发表的8个PDE家族蛋白的结构中,有5个是柯教授实验组的研究成果。他的实验室除了和美国内外多所学校和研究机构合作外,还和大型制药公司如拜尔、辉瑞、葛兰素等建立了长期的合作关系。 药学院 2008-10-31

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